Sweet Home Wiki
This article is about The TV Character. You may be looking for Webtoon counterpart, which is on the Sweet Home Webtoon fandom..

An Seon-Yeong is one of the characters in Sweet Home. She is portrayed by Kim Hyun.

For her webtoon counterpart, click here.



she was a resident that lived in green home and was in a abusive marriage with her husband sheok Hyun, she was at the first floor during the time the monsterazation outbreak took place.

through the series her husband can be seen emotionally and physically abusing her, though due to being in the group, other residents are seen trying to help her.

when her husband turned into a monster she insisted on killing him and beaten him to death.

Later when she realized she showed monsterazation symptoms, she warned the group and insisted in self isolating herself for the others safety.

later when the criminals invaded the building, she succumbed to her monsterazation and began killing them but also nearly killed hyun sun before being killed by being shot in the head.


In the beginning, Seon-Yeong is shown to keep to herself, only talking when someone talks to her or when she feels worried. She is also shown to be slightly timid around her husband (this is definitely due to the abuse he had put her through in the show).

While reserved, she does show care for her neighbors. We see this when she shows concern for Yi Kyung when finding out the woman is pregnant.

Around the middle of the show, we see a more cold, yet more depressing side, from Seon-Yeong. When the hairy monster shows up, Seon-Yeong volunteers to kill him herself with seemingly no hesitation. After Seok-Hyeon's apology, we see Seon-Yeong vulnerably crying in a place alone, not showing any regret of killing her husband, but showing remorse and frustration.

When Seon-Yeong announces that she may turn into a monster, she hides into her shell once again. She also shows regret for not doing anything to help Cha Hyun-Su now that she knows how he felt. However, she doesn't beg or plead to convince her neighbors that she is fine, and instead locks herself up in the room Hyun-Su stayed in.

Physical Appearance[]


Season One

Notes and Trivia[]

  • She had been married to Kim Seok-Hyeon for 30 years.
  • in the webtoon she did try to kill her husband when he was being quarantined but didn’t do it due realizing it was her desire and not wanting to turn into a monster.


